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In the barbaric forests of the Plateau of Leng, the people follow canonical treaties to maintain the so-called sanctity of the land beneath their feet. Looking at the “dead” brother of the twins, the judge declares that only one baby boy will be born to the Norwell family tonight.


The infant child, seemingly lifeless, rekindled his heartbeat after being thrown into a stormy forest. He was lucky to have a happy childhood under his mother’s undivided attention. But his life in the forest is doomed to be shattered when he hears his mother’s captors call her “Devil” and sees the face of the Executive Officer, a man not unlike himself!


Blending in with the crowd had gone surprisingly well, and he had naively thought that he could escape with his mother and everything would go on as usual, but he had been surprised to see that the madmen had tortured her far more than the demons had ever done! His mother’s face was already disfigured by the torture… She clutched the little Ithaqua in her arms, protecting the doll like mad.


Ithaqua knew that there was no chance of returning to the sweet days of the past, but it was time to make the real “demons” pay. He took his mother back to her home deep in the Stormwoods, shedding her human shell and returning to her primal savagery, becoming what the villagers called the embodiment of fear, Itakuya! So that he could soothe her to sleep as his mother had once soothed him to sleep every night. “Sleep, mother, I will keep watch, and no living soul will come near you again.” Hunting down everyone who tried to disturb his mother’s beauty sleep in the very cold, snowy night…

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  1. 星河
    Android Chrome
    1 年前
    2024-2-12 17:14:15

    He was a good boy, but the snowy night would not let him go for that, and for the light of the fire he put on a mask, wrapped his flesh in a cloak of pitch-blackness, carried a lamp, blazed snow and ice, stepped on stilts made of blades, and travelled through every long night with you in his company.
    “My dear mother, this time it will be I who will keep watch for you.”

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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd